Monday, August 1, 2011

Types of renewable resources

Renewable resources are considered natural resources that replenish faster then humans consume them.  This means that almost every resource that humans use in the world is considered a renewable resource.  It's just that we have to come up with ways that allow those resources to replenish back into the earth naturally faster then we consume them.  That is almost impossible with resources like coal, oil, and other resources that takes hundreds if not thousands of years to replenish.

Water is a good example of a renewable resource, for the fact that for whatever water we use it gets cycled back into nature through evaporation, rain, and many other ways.  The only time it becomes nonrenewable is when it is taken from somewhere faster then nature can replace it, and something happens to either the source of the renewing, or the place the water was taken from and water is no longer there.  Another type of energy that water helps produce is through dams and other aqueducts.  These harness the power of the water passing through them and converts it to energy, as long as we don't use up the water faster then it can be replaced that is another endless supply of energy.

Another good example of a renewable resource would be solar power.  The sun gives us enough power to light up the country, it's always there, and always will be there tomorrow.  Why not use it since it is giving us all this energy everyday.  The sun produces the biggest deposit of renewable resources in the world, it would be a great opportunity to be able to harness that power and hopefully over time not rely on the earth for energy at all.  Another form of renewable energy that the sun brings us is wind energy.  Recently wind has become a very popular way to create energy to light homes, towns, cities, and hopefully in the future whole states can be powered by wind energy.

Many things are becoming renewable resources that weren't before, this is because people have become aware of the damaging effects of taking things from the earth faster then it can be replaced.  A good example of this is trees, many things are used from trees, and before people were aware of the consequences they were being cut down and not replaced.  But since then when a field is cleared there are saplings that are planted in the trees place.

Another part of the renewing process is recycling, since paper and other wood materials are being recycled it is driving down the need to cut trees down.  This is helping the environment to replenish the trees that have been lost in the past.  The problem with renewable resources was that they were expensive to make, which made the price for them to go up to levels that did not make it sensible for people to buy.  But since the demand for these resources have risen it has made the price for renewable resources to drop.  These prices will continue to drop as long as the demand gets higher. 

With the growing popularity of becoming green, renewable resources have became top priority for a lot of people.  There are many different types of renewable resources.  Like I said earlier water can be a great source of renewable resource, so can cardboard, wood, paper, some oils, farming bi-products, scrap metal is another renewable resource thanks to the support of recycling.

With the growing important of finding reliable renewable resources there have been great advancements in using bio materials, these materials can be used to power many different things that normally would take nonrenewable resources in the past.  And with the development of better technologies these improvements will continue to get better.  It takes everyone to make it work though, so if you don't recycle please start.  If you can walk somewhere instead of driving, it will help the environment and your health by walking.
     These are all small things that when done in great amounts will add many decades of resources that we can use in the future. 

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