Sunday, April 13, 2008

Standards Development in Malaysia

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Simple update to IEM Members or those who are practicing Engineering in MALAYSIA, IEM IT Special Interest group is organizing a "Standards Development in Malaysia" (BEM Approved).

Date : 22nd April 2008, Tuesday
Time : 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Venue : 2nd Floor, IEM Conference Hall, Bangunan Ingenieur, Petaling Jaya
Speaker : Mr.Hussalmizzar bin Hussain
Ref No: IEM08/HQ/095/T

This talk will discuss briefly about Standards development associates with development of a nation, the Standards Development monitoring programes of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).

The talk will cover the following topics in a little details :

1. Standards of Malaysia Act 1996
- Key provisions
- Definition of Standards
- Roles of the parties involved in the development of standards

2. Operationalising the development of standards
- Standards Committees (ISCs)
- Terms of Reference
- Membership of ISCs
- Standards Technical Committee and Working Committees (ISC/TC/WG) setup
- Consensus/voting mechanism

3. Finalising and Approval of standards
- Public feedback
- ISC Review/Endorsement
- Minister approval and gazette

4. Promotion of standards

5. ISC G and ICT related standards development activities
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