Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Technical Report for Partial Stroke Testing of Automated Block Valves

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Partial stroke test is one of the testing procedures to ensure reliability and availability of valves. This kind of test is required for critical valve and it helps to increase confident level and Safety Integration Level (SIL) of critical valves. Partial stroke testing identifies failure modes associated with the block valve actuator and a limited number of failure modes associated with the valve body or internals (e.g., valve stem damage and stem to valve connection).

A newly completed technical report, ISA-TR96.05.01-2008, Partial Stroke Testing of Automated Block Valves, addresses
  • the applications when partial stroke testing may be useful
  • the various methods used for partial stroke testing
  • the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.
This ISA technical report is authored and managed by ISA-SP96, Valve Actuator Committee and available in mid-March, 2008 (as planned).

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